Thursday, December 31, 2009

Man Utd!

Its been so long since i posted as i was really lazy about blogging.
anyway, im now officially a Man U fan!
Shall buy the jersey after i get money.

Take care everyone

Friday, December 4, 2009

Time For Enjoyment!

Today went plaza to buy PlayStation 3 Slim with shawn, jeremy and kenneth.
Kenneth and I bought 1 as we were craving for it for a long time.
Bought the Playstation 3 Slim along with 2 other games, Fifa 10 and Infamous!
Will be playing Fifa 10 with shawn online as it is a really fun game.
Time for some enjoyment!

^.^v Peaceout-

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Have a Good Rest!

Finally finish work for IT Fair. Shall have a good rest as this job is superb tiring.
Everyday had to withstand 10 ~ 12 hours of standing. Starting thought of giving up,but i endured it.
Met some really nice people there, nice colleague and friendly customers too.
Good experiences and i really love it sometimes.

Now i shall have my good rest and enjoy my games!
^.^v -Peaceout 

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Work, Work!

Will be working as Promoter on IT fair show at Expo!
Will be promoting laptop for LG brand, so anyone interested in LG laptop, you can contact me via my tagbox, Sms, Msn or Email. I will guarantee you by offering the best laptop for the cheapest price!
Its cheap and good! Closing date on 29th Nov'2009. So, what are you waiting for?Hurry down now to Expo and Get your LG laptop NOW! Remember to find me! Thank you!

^.^v -Peaceout

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Time for Miracles.

2012 movie made a great impact on me. Those scenes is still unforgettable. Hope 2012 wont really happen, time for some miracles.

Today went down to orchard for interview again with Jeremy, JieLong, Sean and Peiwoon. Still have 1 more training before can start working.
Went to find CheeChong after interview for dinner.
Had our dinner, waited for amelea to come find us and went home.

On our way home, had some flash back about the pasts.
Home Sweet home.

^.^v Peaceout-

Great Day!

Its 2.13am now and im here posting.
Just came back from movie - 2012, great movie, you guys should catch it. EPIC!

Today went interview with Kenneth, Jeremy, Jielong, Sean and Peiwoon.
It was okay, but still have to go back there again for some trainings.
Went around orchard after interview, Bryan, Xinyu and Yi peng came to join us.
Xinyu went home first as he cant stay for movie.
Went to find Chee chong at plaza singapore while waiting for the movie.
Jeremy, Kenneth and i went to lan gaming to pass our time.
Went back to catch the movie and home sweet home.
Overall, today was a fun day!

^.^v -Peaceout

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Fun,Fun, FUN!

Went School for history lesson for today.
Stepped into the school, got those feeling to study again. oh well, guess im addicted to studies already.
History lesson not many came, but full of fun and laugher, i enjoyed studying with them, the room always filled with fun and laugher.
Hope school re-open soon.

^.^v Peaceout-

Monday, November 9, 2009

Boring Holiday!

Been watching tv, playing computer games all this while during holiday.
A boring holiday, no jobs, no fun, no outing, absolutely nothing!
Hope things will get better. 

^.^v Peaceout-

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Smooth Criminal

Stayed at home today do nothing.
Changed blog song to smooth criminal by michael jackson.
Currently addicted to his songs.

^.^v Peaceout-

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

This is it!

Morning went school to take history assignments from Ms Wendy He and went basketball at bukit panjang CC with yipeng, xinyu, kian tao, jie long, kai ming and jia wei.
Went home at 12pm and went for job interview with jeremy and jing siang.
Saw Wen ting and Mei sian on the bus while on our way to job interview.
Still considering the job as the pay rate was low.
Went to causeway to watch "This is it", quite interesting and i will rate it 3.5/5
Met yu ting at plaza and we went to lan to have games with jack, xiao roy and friends.

Home sweet home at 9pm.

This is it! i have made my decision!
^.^v Peaceout-

Monday, November 2, 2009

Welcome Home!

Today is 2nd of november which means this guy above is back from KOREA!
Welcome back, any gifts? 

^.^v Peaceout-

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

To all the people outside celebrating, Have fun and take care!
As for me, i will be staying at home alone tonight to watch soccer match!Have fun celebrating outside and enjoy yourself!

^.^v Peaceout-

Friday, October 30, 2009



Went School receive our School magazine and report book.End-of-Year ceremony was good.Lunch with Yu ting and Leong Lek.after that, home sweet home.

Congrats to students who had promoted,
must work extra hard next year.
Retain students, cheer up, dun lose hope. There's always success after failure.
Comment by teacher was good too!
^.^v Peaceout-

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thank You, Ms.Wendy He!

Went school today and do nothing as it was really boring.
Chee chong and i was wondering around the school and slacking around till 12.30pm as we were waiting for Ms.Wendy He to pass us her present for us.

It was a clothes hanger and a piece of letter, although it is a hanger, it is very meaningful item for me.
The Message on it was "Hang in There!"
Thanks Ms.Wendy He for teaching and guiding us throughout the year! Really very grateful for your efforts! Good luck on your career and Stay happy! Hopefully she will be teaching us next year. 

Although she may not see this post, but i still want to thank her here.
^.^v Peaceout-

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Jump for Joy!

Today went to school to get back our End-Of-Year examination results.
And here are my results:

History: 46/50 (Top in Level) WEEEEEEEEEEEEE! this is the subject that makes me Jump for Joy

Social Studies: 27/50

Mathematics: 45/90

Physic: 28/50

Biology: 27.5/50

English: 104/180

Chinese: 93.5/150

D & T: 57/100 ( Practical Included)

Mdm Mala told me that she 1st time see people getting such a high marks for history in her career and told me if i can score this well for this subject, i can also do well in other subjects and told me to work hard.

I shall work hard next year to fight the evil 'N' Level!

I passed all my subjects. Overall, I'm contented with my results already.

People who are sad with their results, don't worry, it will be okay.
Well, take care people!

^.^v Peaceout-

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Staying at home everyday. No events,Nothing to do, absolutely NOTHING!
Have been playing computer games since the end of the examination.
I really hope that school will re-open
soon as there's much more meaningful things to do at school.
Well, take care people and enjoy your holiday.

Shall self-entertain to maintain consciousness.
^.^v Peaceout- 

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Bro!

Happy Birthday Kenneth Huang! 16 Le!
Wish your 'N' level pass with flying colours! I wan see u next year in sec 5.
Take care and stay handsome!

^.^v Peaceout-

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


History paper today, easy for me as i have been studying it since 1 month ago.
I have fulfilled the promise i had made to Miss He 4 months ago.
It is to do well for history for this term.
I have confident to pass it well as i have done all the Source Based Questions and Structured Essays Question without any difficulty. My mind is finally at ease now. 

^.^v -Peace out.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Quietness and Trust

Today, had my English paper 1 and was quite easy compared to mid-year as the passages was easy to understand.When i was in the class during examination period,the class was in absolute silent.
I thought if the class was as quiet as examination during normal school days, it would be great as students would be benefited.With the trusts in the teachers,studens will do well in any examinations and pass with flying colours.

Had my soccer session at night with shawn and friends.

I hope this year teachers will be our next year teachers since we have establish close rapport already. 

^.^v Peace out-

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Today Went School as usual.
Social Studies lesson was drilling on SEQ and English lesson was drilling on close passages. 
Didn't went to recess as i was staying in class with kelvin and friends.
History lesson, chaotic and frustrating. Its just a handful of students who were hyper active. I was trying hard to forcus but somehow, i feel frustrated as the noise level will getting really high.

I can see that Miss He is trying really hard to teach and she was good enough to tolerate them. She was Mad and upset. Why cant people forcus in their studies instead of walking around making noise and making the teacher hard to conduct a good proper lesson.

Hope Miss He will be fine.

After School went plaza with kelvin and friends.
Met Jeremy at Plaza and the rest went home.
Have lunch with jeremy and headed back to school to have our revision.
Miss He came down and teach me Source Based Question. Thanks again!
Went home with jeremy after finishing our revision.
Shall continute my new history assignment tomorrow.

^.^v Peace out-

P/S: Above comment meant no offence as it is just personal feeling. Thank you.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Another Chance missed! 

Today, School was fine.
P.E lesson have soccer match with classmates. it was fun and enjoyable.
Chinese Lesson was watching movie as the paper was over.
The rest of the lessons were studies and revisions.
After School had my english oral.
Quite nervous but overall, it was okay.

After school,Ms Wendy He taught me history.
Thanks Ms Wendy He.

Last year didn't manage to go mega camp as i was late in hand in the form.
This year missed the chance as it was full. NOOOOOO!
Nvm, will stay home and rot then. hehe.

^.^V Peace Out-

Friday, October 2, 2009

A Great Day and The First Judgement Paper!

Today had my EOY chinese paper 1 & 2.
It was quite easy compared to last semester paper.
After School went to find shawn and friends to have our lunch.
Went back to school afterward to continute our studies.
I went to get physic revision paper from Mr Lim and he go through some of it with me.
Ms Wendy He came down to concourse and go through History worksheets with me.I really wanna thank her as she will always fork out her time to go through History revision with me.
Thanks to these 2 teachers, they inspired me to study hard.

After Studies, went home to get changed to have my soccer session with shawn and friends.
Now i'm getting ready to go night study, hope i dun get distracted and can concentrate on my studies.

Take care people!
Good Luck on EOY and up coming 'N' level papers.
Peace out- ^.^V

Saturday, August 22, 2009

A Cup of Coffee Makes the Day!

Today woke up have a cup of Coffee,sipping the cup of Coffee and rewinding the past that i have been through, those happy moment, one word to describe - Unforgettable.

Never been school in the past 2 days as it i was down to some personal matters regarding a religion thingy.
My Friend told me 3 subject result and it turn out to be:
Social Studies - 18/25 (Top streak continute) YAY!
Math - 23/40 (borderline but will try to buck up next term.)
Chinese - 29.5/60 ( Expected, singapore will snow if i pass this subject.)

Will post after getting back all my other subject results.
Work hard for End-Of-Year and "N" Levels my fellow friends.

^.^v PeaceOut-

P/S - Removing all those links that doesn't have my link inside. Hehe!  

Monday, August 17, 2009

2 More Papers!

Yesterday slept at 1a.m+ as i was watching Tottenham Hotspur V.S Liverpool.
Tottenham start off with firece offensive that causing liverpool in hard time with defending.
I can see that tottenham have improve quite alot, and the final score was 2 - 1, Liverpool lost.
it was quite impressive that tottenham won.However, i felt that torres and gerrald were off form if not Liverpool might have chance to win.Anyway Grats Tottenham. Terrific match!

Today have my CA2 math paper, i find it quite easy although i never study.
Went to shoot basketball with kelvin,chee chong and yipeng after having our recess.
Whole lessons of the day was quite slack as most of the subject have test finish.
Last 2 paper is Science and Chinese.
Good luck to those taking prelims.

^^v Peaceout-

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Stress Starts Now

Today mark the first day of CA2.
Took the English Paper for today,it was quite easy and i hope i will pass it well.
Will be having Social Studies test tommorow.
Cant update my blog song as mixpod's website takes too long to load, will update it sooner or later.
Wish you guys good luck for your prelim or CA2.

^.^v Peace out -

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Back to School!

Today school was normal, no chaos was made. 
After school, went to canteen to have lunch with yi peng.
After lunch, went to basketball awhile and wait till Jing siang finish his lesson.
As soon as he finish his lesson, we walked home together with shiying.
Hope Tomorrow will be fine as well.
Currently watching Shijou Saikyou No Deshi Kenichi.

^^v -Peaceout-

Friday, June 26, 2009

Flash Back : Birthday Day In Advance

Morning woke up at 9.30am and prepared to meet primary school frens.
Met up at 10.30am on bukit panjang interchange and took bus 75 to Botanic garden to celebrate rachael's birthday in advance.
Reached there, found the place that some of them were there earlier.
Have our meals and cut cake for rachael and headed off to town and watch movie.
Bought ticket and the movie we watched is Trasformer:Revenge of the fallen. it was nice and i suggest u guys to watch it. Great action pack movie.Do not miss it. ^^v

After watching the movie,went to have our dinner and bus home by taking bus 190.
Home sweet home.
^^v cheers! - Peaceout

School reopening have u done ur packing yet? ^^v

Monday, June 22, 2009

After like 9 days of no life mapling. reached lvl 120 within like a week. this character is a new job that came out around 1 ~ 2 weeks ago.

Now i can relax myself and do some revision.
^.^v Peace out-

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Happy Belated Birthday Vernon Kazaf a.k.a Da Roy!

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to da roy
Happy Birthday to you
Wish you pass your "N" Level and be happy everyday.

^.^v Peaceout-

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Stop using my name!

I just noticed something, i went to some of the people blog and there is 1 particular guy who love to use my name and wrote nonsense. PLEASE do not care wad that person wrote. I only wrote things that are Positive or inside joke but not those pervert stuffs. -_-. Thank you!

^.^v -Peace out

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Tiring But Fun Day.

Today woke up at 7.45am and prepare to go wild wild wet with JieLong ,Kenneth ,LeongLek ,Xinyu ,Yipeng ,Shawn ,Sean ,Jeremy ,Roy ,Shiying and not forgetting Bryan.
Met up at plaza mac and headed to garden plaza to sing birthday song to jie long.
After singing song and eating the cake, we took MRT to pasir ris and change bus to downtown.
It was fun playing with them. but i got headache after playing the shiok river.
After trying out all the wild wild wet's item, we went to have a bath and headed to dinner.
After dinner,went slack around and home sweet home.

^.^v Peace out-

P/S: Too tired to elaborate whole events and still having a heavy headache

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Happy 16th Birthday Lim Si Min

Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to Si Min.
Happy birthday to you.

Good Luck for your "O" Level. =)

^.^v - Peace out

P/s: sorry,took so long to edit. Lols. =x

Thursday, May 28, 2009

2nd In Class!

Today went school alone from shawn's house as he was having a early holiday.
There were no lesson today and we were watching movie all the way.
After school went basketball awhile and my mum came school and go PTC with me.(Parent Teacher Conference).
Got my results and i got 2nd position in my class and 17th position for whole sec 3 NA lvls.
Went back basketball court after PTC.
After basketball kenneth and i went concourse to slack.
Ms He came concourse and asked me to help her carry report books.
After helping her,went back concourse to slack.
Slacked until around 6.50pm and home sweet home.

^.^v Peace out-

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Road To Success

Today went school to attend a programme called "Winning Attitude".
I get a chance to meet coach Julian,a very funny guy. He was a great speaker and i was paying attention throughout the speech.This Programme is about the road to success and it enlighten me and makes me want to work hard to achieve my goals.
After School,Went concourse to slack with yipeng,daniel and faris. Ms He came and talk to us awhile.After she left,yi peng and i went to basketball court to find ball to shoot.Sadly,ball were nowhere to be found at court. So, we headed back to concourse to wait Shawn and friends to finish their lesson.
After they finish their lesson,we went naked fish to buy our meals and consume it at Garden plaza.
Soon after we had our meals,we went back school to play basketball.
I went concourse alone to cooldown and revise my math awhile.
The rest went home together.
After revising,home sweet home. [ Thanks Kenneth for sms-ing with me along my way home ]

I must work towards my goals and will never give up.

^.^v Peace out-

Monday, May 25, 2009

Good Start Of The Week

Today went school and assemble in classroom as we have our temperature taking.
We had our AYG ( Asian Youth Game ) Rehearsal after the temperature taking.
After the Rehearsal, i went back to my math class and only 3 people turn up for that lesson.So, instead of watching movie,Mrs Lim took 3 of us to the library to use computer.
After recess,my class was watching movie all the way until the school ends.
After School,i went concourse to slack alone as Shawn and friends went to have their lunch.
Waited until basketball training start then i went to the court to sit as my spine was hurt.
Watch Coach and some players playing full court and i have learnt some of the tricks from coach.
After the full court, went home with shi ying again. while we were on our way home, i saw dog shit on the floor and i was like "WA,EEEEEEEEE". Before Shiying can open his mouth, he stepped on it!! LOL!
He was like " Walao! u never tell me got shit". At that moment of time, i was laughing like a mad cow!
He rubbed his shoe against the grass to remove the stain and smell from the shit.
After that, i sent him off to the LRT and home sweet home.

^.^ Peace out-

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Another Boring Day

Nothing much for today.
Just that whole day rotting at home playing games.
I hope tomorrow will be a fine day to start with.

^.^v Peace Out-

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Change Of Plan!

Today actually wanted to go GameFeast'09 but instead i went to watch movie with Leong Lek,Jing siang and Jeremy.
The movie we watched was Night at the Museum 2. It was hilarious and i would rate the movie 4.5/5.
After the movie,we went to have our dinner and home sweet home.

^.^v Peace Out-

Friday, May 22, 2009

Boring Day

Today School was bored, all along were watching movies.
After School went basketball with Leong Lek.
After basketball,Leong lek and i went concourse to slack and watch people take photo again.
Went lunch with him and home sweet home.

^.^v Peace out-

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Judgement Day!

Today went school to take back our results and here are my results.

History: 25/50
Social Studies: 29/50
Math: 58/100
English: 56.5/100
Chinese: 60.5/100
Physic: 20.5/50
Biology: 21.5/50
D & T: 13/70 ( haven include coursework)

I know it suck, but will try hard for better result.

After school went mac with cheechong,yipeng,sebast and jiawei.
Soon after we had our meal, we went back school to slack.
i went concourse to slack and watched people taking photo.
Ms He came down from staff room and i chatted with her awhile as she was waiting to take photo with the english department teachers.
After Ms He went to take photo, i went to change into basketball jersey for our C.C.A photo taking too.
Today did not have training instead we watched basketball match in D & T room.
After watching the video, i went to basketball awhile and home sweet home with shi ying.

Will seriously study hard!

^.^v Peace out-

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Today didn't went out.
Bored,Today whole day gaming.
Tomorrow taking back result le.
Best of luck all.

^.^v - Peace out-

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Today went basketball at Phoenix's basketball court there.
Played a full court match with Kaiming and friends
The match consist of 6 quater and i played the last quater of the match.
Each quater is 15mins. i only manage to score 2 points as they were playing man-on-man.
Tired. Total score : 109 - 97. we lost. =(

Went Plaza to buy bubbletea and slack awhile at playground.
After that home sweet home.
^.^v - Peace out.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Thanks Hero Soh Chee Chong for help to change my blogskin!
Thanks Mei Sian for helping to put tagboard!

Today have math paper 2 exam which is the last paper for the mid-year examination.
Paper 2 was so much easier than paper 1. =)

After the paper,went breakfast with chee chong and yi peng, after that slack awhile then went back to school.
Saw Ms He and she told me not to be hard on myself although i knew that she is disappointed. chee chong and i chatted with her awhile then we went to staff room and take chinese paper and do.
After finishing the paper and we went off home.

Hope next examination can do better than this and not to disappoint teachers.
^.^v -Peace out

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Firstly, i wish Xiao roy a happy birthday, 16 le. =)

Today, Went school wif shawn as i stayed his house.
P.E lesson, Mr vela nvr come again, as usual. So,Mr Chin took us for P.E lesson.
Play basketball and went to rest.
Chinese Period was bored but i tried to focus.
History lesson were interesting and i was focusing through out the lesson.
Social studies lesson we were doing past year paper and yea, the paper look the same as the paper i took last year. hehehe.
After School went to libary with yi peng to slack as we were waiting for History A.C.T.
Went to History A.C.T at 2.30pm and do some assignment.It was fun as We(Sean,Chee chong,chu da, yi peng and me) found out that there is a childish side of Ms Wendy He. LOLs!
Went to celebrate xiao roy's birthday after A.C.T.
Went back school at about 5.30pm and study till 6.30pm. went to basketball awhile and home sweet home. =D

2 more weeks to exam, all jyjy. =D
Cheers! ^^v

Cheer up Jie long and all my frens around, u guys look completely upset. it spoil my mood to see u all like that. So, cheer up! =))

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Today school was boring and i was caught by principal 2 times for sleeping at chinese period.
Anyway, i woke up and do the chinese worksheet.
History preiod was paying attention all the time.(Hope can do well in this subject)
After School went 163 have lunch wif Chee Chong and Yi Peng.
After that,Chee Chong and i went back school take history worksheet from Ms He and went to do it while Yi peng went gym wif sean they all.
We went to study history.Chee Chong and i did the worksheet and put at Ms He locker.
It was about 6+ then shi ying and i walk home together.

Anyway, Mid-year examination coming le, jy all and work hard.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Today went school together with shawn as i stayed his house last night.
Lessons were bored but i tried to stay awake. slept for CME lesson as it is real bored and nothing to do.
After school went lunch at 163 wif Chee Chong,Yi peng and Xiangwoon.
After lunch went back to school and change to P.E attire.
On the way of finding xinyou, i helped mei sian and friends to keep books as they were not allowed to enter their own class. weird huh?
Went to find xinyou after helping and headed to basketball court to do warm up and training.
Today is the start of the real training, coach told us wad are we going to do in the next few trainings and told us to lock this in mind "We must in TOP 4".
after training, went home alone.

If heaven and hell decide, that they are both satisfied
Illuminate the NOs on their vacancy signs
If there's no one beside you, when ur soul embarks
Then I'll follow you into the dark.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Quiz from wenting. since i nth to do,i shall do the quiz tagged by wen ting.

A- Azmeran
B- Bryan
C- Chee chong
D- Daniel
E- Esther
F- Felicia
G- Gilbert
H- Hui ying
I- Iksan
J- Jeremy
K- Kenneth
L- Loren
M- Mei sian
N- Norman
O- Oneal (Basketball player)
P- Priya
Q- Queen (Royal Family)
R- Roy
S- Shawn
T- Teng Xiang
U- Urahara(Anime)
V- Velle
W- Wen Ting
X- Xue ni
Y- Yi Peng
Z- Zhi hao

2) Can R and S be together in BGR?
[Roy and Shawn]- Wtf. they are not gays. LOLs!
3) How is L related to you?
[Loren]- Friend.
4) Does B know U?
[Bryan and Urahara]- they dunno each other. both from different world. LOLs!
5)If F betrays you will you kill him/her?
[Felicia]- Maybe? or maybe not? =D
6)If K steals your girlfriend, what will you do?
[Kenneth]- i will steal back. Hahaha. =.=
7) What if G tells you he/she have a crush on you?
[Gilbert]- Siao, he not gay. for god sake. -_-
8) Will you and M get into a fight?
[Mei sian]- Hmm, not sure. HAHAHA. jeremy will help her anyway. =x (im so dead).HAHA
9) Who does S have a crush on?
[Shawn]- No one.
10) If W calls you a bitch what will you do?
[Wen ting]- Do nothing and call her back noobshyt. =D
11) What's the relationship between you and E?
[Esther]- Primary Schoolmate and Friend. =]
12) Who does D like?
[Daniel]- Not sure. =x
13) What V's favorite band?
[Velle]- Not sure too.
14) What does Y like?
[Yi peng]- Basketball.
15) Where does F live?
[Felicia]- Bukit panjang.
16) Did you and C had a fight before?
[Chee Chong]- Nope. We have been Friend for 4 years le.
17) Who is H's best friend?
[Hui ying]- Erm,Claudia ba. they from primary school friend until now.
18)What can you say about Z?
[Zhi Hao]- Funny and kind
19)What if J tells you he/she has a crush on you?
[Jeremy]- i slap him. LOLs. just kidding. he got person he like le.
20) Tag 10 people to do this quiz Anyone who is bored.
-Hui ying
-Yi peng
-Shi ying
-Mei sian
-Chee Chong

Thats all for today.
Cheers. ^^v

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Its been a long time since im posting and im gonna revive this blog. LoLs!
Weekend was quite ok as i went over to shawn's house and stay.
Today went to basketball at teck whye CC. it feels great as i haven have a proper basketball match for like 1 week.
After playing basketball, we went to have lunch and went home. i went to shawn house to rest and bath as my laptop was over at his house. stay till 9.30 as we watched 007 at chl 5 and i went home.nothing much today. =)

Wad on earth is north korea trying to do wif those nuclear missles. is freaking polluting the world. i hope they will stop inventing those nuclear as it MAY lead to WWIII. (yayaya, i think too much. hahaha!)

Well, Mid-year examination is coming and i hope everyone will did well in their exams.
cheers! ^^v

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Hey all, its been a long time since im posting.
right now, im at shawn's house and im staying overnight.
just wanna briefy update my common test result and dun wan let my blog rot. so here it is

Math: 40/50
English: 20/40
Physic: 22/30
Biology: 17/30
History: 17/25
Social Studies Test: 16/20
Chinese: 28/80

yes, i flunk my MT but will try hard next time. the rest of the subject i will work hard and get better result.

For those of u out there who thinks because i retain and i got high marks such as math or physic ,think twice and just suck it. LOL!!

March holiday will be having Hoop's Camp oragnise by singapore basketball association.looking forward to it. hope u guys will have a great holiday too.

Those who failed their CA1, dun be sad, just try harder. =) keep going!
Cheers! ^^v

Sunday, February 15, 2009

i dun know wad they are trying to do. =/
eating bee hoon! =D

hey guys, sorry haven been updating because im really busy about school stuffs.
Alright,today went to meet Kenneth,Sean,Shawn,Da Roy,Bryan,Jia Wei,Theng Tat and Jeremy at plaza as we went to buy billy's birthday present.
After buying,we took 190 bus to lucky plaza to meet billy.we went to play pool and arcade.we were quite noisy as we play the gambling machine.
after that we went to billy's shop to eat bee hoon. we sang birthday song for him and left the place.Kenneth have phobia on lucky plaza because when we were going off from that place,there is one hair stylist which is a Gay wants Kenneth's phone number. kenneth quickly ran off. he was like "zhao arh, zhao!" we were freaking laughing our ass off. LMAO!
After we left the place, billy and his gf went to plaza singapura while we 9, went to lan shop and play.
Kenneth and Jiawei left first as they need to reach home early.we continuted our game till 8.30pm and went to have dinner at mac.
after finish our mac, we took 190 home. on the way,i saw my cousin's gf de brother, and i chat wif him awhile.
Reached home around 10.10 and i going to bed soon.
will update soon. thanks.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

School today was boring, but i was attentive okay!
After school play basketball wif yipeng till 2.30 and went to find
We asked that if we can join basketball as our CCA.
and YES! we got approved and went to play soccer wif shawn,daroy,jingsiang,jieqi and xinyu.
After soccer, yi peng and i saw mr yap and tell him that mr ong allowed us to join then he say "ok loh,thursday come for training can le."woot!
We rest awhile then home sweet home.
just finish DotA wif jing siang.
going Left 4 Dead wif yi peng now. will post soon.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Hey guys.
im here finally! lmao.
alright,will post things happen yesterday. =)
Yesterday woke up at 11.30pm, wash up and play com until 2.30pm.
Went to plaza mac and met up xinyu,jeremy,jielong,amelea,krystal,winnie and mei sian.
Most of us were doing math homework or revision.
After finish up our homework or revision,we went to play carpark catching. O.o??
it was fun as jeremy and i cant be caught.we were hiding behind doors and they hardly can caught us. =D
After carpark catching,we went to jielong's house there de playground. actually wanna play blind mice, but end up playing wif a cat.
After the cat went away, we went for dinner at plaza.
After the dinner,we went back to the playground to play blindmice,da roy came and met us.
blindmice was fun =D
After blindmice,we split our way and went home.
Jielong lend me his bicycle. he said that he haven ran for that day so he wanna to ran wif me home.
So i cycle and he ran to my house. he is a good runner no doubt. =D
Reached my house downstair then he cycle back.
Thanks jielong alot for the bicycle!
Reached home i quickly bath and headed to shawn house to stay.
Thats all for now! =)

For all the Primary schoolmates and Sec schoolmates.
My Sec 3 life is good, dun worry. u all MUST work hard as ur 'N' or 'O' Level is coming.
Of cos, i will work hard too.