Sunday, January 11, 2009

Hey guys.
im here finally! lmao.
alright,will post things happen yesterday. =)
Yesterday woke up at 11.30pm, wash up and play com until 2.30pm.
Went to plaza mac and met up xinyu,jeremy,jielong,amelea,krystal,winnie and mei sian.
Most of us were doing math homework or revision.
After finish up our homework or revision,we went to play carpark catching. O.o??
it was fun as jeremy and i cant be caught.we were hiding behind doors and they hardly can caught us. =D
After carpark catching,we went to jielong's house there de playground. actually wanna play blind mice, but end up playing wif a cat.
After the cat went away, we went for dinner at plaza.
After the dinner,we went back to the playground to play blindmice,da roy came and met us.
blindmice was fun =D
After blindmice,we split our way and went home.
Jielong lend me his bicycle. he said that he haven ran for that day so he wanna to ran wif me home.
So i cycle and he ran to my house. he is a good runner no doubt. =D
Reached my house downstair then he cycle back.
Thanks jielong alot for the bicycle!
Reached home i quickly bath and headed to shawn house to stay.
Thats all for now! =)

For all the Primary schoolmates and Sec schoolmates.
My Sec 3 life is good, dun worry. u all MUST work hard as ur 'N' or 'O' Level is coming.
Of cos, i will work hard too.

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