Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Quiz from wenting. since i nth to do,i shall do the quiz tagged by wen ting.

A- Azmeran
B- Bryan
C- Chee chong
D- Daniel
E- Esther
F- Felicia
G- Gilbert
H- Hui ying
I- Iksan
J- Jeremy
K- Kenneth
L- Loren
M- Mei sian
N- Norman
O- Oneal (Basketball player)
P- Priya
Q- Queen (Royal Family)
R- Roy
S- Shawn
T- Teng Xiang
U- Urahara(Anime)
V- Velle
W- Wen Ting
X- Xue ni
Y- Yi Peng
Z- Zhi hao

2) Can R and S be together in BGR?
[Roy and Shawn]- Wtf. they are not gays. LOLs!
3) How is L related to you?
[Loren]- Friend.
4) Does B know U?
[Bryan and Urahara]- they dunno each other. both from different world. LOLs!
5)If F betrays you will you kill him/her?
[Felicia]- Maybe? or maybe not? =D
6)If K steals your girlfriend, what will you do?
[Kenneth]- i will steal back. Hahaha. =.=
7) What if G tells you he/she have a crush on you?
[Gilbert]- Siao, he not gay. for god sake. -_-
8) Will you and M get into a fight?
[Mei sian]- Hmm, not sure. HAHAHA. jeremy will help her anyway. =x (im so dead).HAHA
9) Who does S have a crush on?
[Shawn]- No one.
10) If W calls you a bitch what will you do?
[Wen ting]- Do nothing and call her back noobshyt. =D
11) What's the relationship between you and E?
[Esther]- Primary Schoolmate and Friend. =]
12) Who does D like?
[Daniel]- Not sure. =x
13) What V's favorite band?
[Velle]- Not sure too.
14) What does Y like?
[Yi peng]- Basketball.
15) Where does F live?
[Felicia]- Bukit panjang.
16) Did you and C had a fight before?
[Chee Chong]- Nope. We have been Friend for 4 years le.
17) Who is H's best friend?
[Hui ying]- Erm,Claudia ba. they from primary school friend until now.
18)What can you say about Z?
[Zhi Hao]- Funny and kind
19)What if J tells you he/she has a crush on you?
[Jeremy]- i slap him. LOLs. just kidding. he got person he like le.
20) Tag 10 people to do this quiz Anyone who is bored.
-Hui ying
-Yi peng
-Shi ying
-Mei sian
-Chee Chong

Thats all for today.
Cheers. ^^v

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