Tuesday, July 6, 2010

'N' level Oral..? Not that scary actually.

School today, wasn't expecting to be a fun day though.
I don't know why, but i broke down during math lesson, luckily only Jeremy, Jingsiang and Wenting saw it. Too stressed, cant be blamed.
Had GCE 'N' level Oral after school, so unprepared as i forgotten my date for my oral which was eventually held today.

Didn't know where to go after school while waiting for Oral to start, so i followed Daniel and co to slack at one block.
Went back school at 2.15pm, the english HOD ALMOST didn't let us take the examination as we reported late which she said we were supposed to report at 2pm while Mr Eddy said to report 2.15pm.
She let us take the Oral though.
My heart was beating really really fast, i took a deep breath and went to read the examination paper.
The passage was superbly easy for me, only the picture was quite challenging.
The examiner was really kind and patience, she keep on smiling and i don't know what exactly happened. But, after the conversation, she said "Very good, Andy". I was overjoyed when i heard that.
Went outside, walk towards the classroom to collect my handphone, punching my fist to the air, I smiled. It was not that scary to take Oral examination.

Went nearby park just beside my block for jogging to release stress and do some thinking.
It felt great, refreshed and clears up my thought.

Home sweet home,
Cheers! Till then..

No matter what, it will never change. :)

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