Monday, June 28, 2010

Back School!

Back to school, feels great and good to see everyone there.
First day of school, of course, one word to describe - bored.
Everyone looks tired, some look happy, some look angry and some cant be bothered. School's hot topic now - World Cup. Everyone were discussing the score sheets and the team that they supported.
Surprisingly, Vice-principal didn't talked much today on morning assembly, which is a good thing as she is being too naggy and taken up much of our curriculum time.
As usual, go back class, hand in our report book, get our new time table and talk craps.
Revisions, homeworks and assignments are throwing in, things are started to get busy. Stress are coming by for a visit, time is running, things are happening too quickly. Everyone should be worrying their coming major exam, Revising would help, even is only one hour of studying.
Hope i would be able to concentrate on lessons, I'm thinking too much, cant really focus on things.
It's really time to get some serious work and no more laid-back attitude.
Shall post when there's more event. Till then..

Shall keep waiting then.

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