Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Esperanza 4

The only group photo. :)

Went Esperanza 4 with Gilbert,Peiwoon,Wenting,Izzat,Rashid,Haziq,Waida and Fatin to show our support towards Fajar Symphonic Band.
It was a splendid performances by them, $10 was definitely worth the deal.
Keep up the good work!

Totally gave up on D&T, gonna flunk it. Seriously, Its just wasting my time and i can put it to better use like for example, total 5 periods a week can let me concentrate on the other subjects which could make me more confident towards my 'N' level examination.

Continued my daily routine now, jogging back at the park, relaxing and enjoying the breeze. June holiday drained up all my stamina, but still manageable as before, afterall, it was my routine to do that even before the holiday.

Good luck on people taking 'O' and 'N' level oral examination.
All the best! Till then..


Shouldn't make any wild thoughts. Whatever!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Back School!

Back to school, feels great and good to see everyone there.
First day of school, of course, one word to describe - bored.
Everyone looks tired, some look happy, some look angry and some cant be bothered. School's hot topic now - World Cup. Everyone were discussing the score sheets and the team that they supported.
Surprisingly, Vice-principal didn't talked much today on morning assembly, which is a good thing as she is being too naggy and taken up much of our curriculum time.
As usual, go back class, hand in our report book, get our new time table and talk craps.
Revisions, homeworks and assignments are throwing in, things are started to get busy. Stress are coming by for a visit, time is running, things are happening too quickly. Everyone should be worrying their coming major exam, Revising would help, even is only one hour of studying.
Hope i would be able to concentrate on lessons, I'm thinking too much, cant really focus on things.
It's really time to get some serious work and no more laid-back attitude.
Shall post when there's more event. Till then..

Shall keep waiting then.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

3A3'08 class outing.

See, 3 blacks 1 white. :D

Group Photo. :)

Class outing with 3A3'08 on Saturday, had picnic with them.
Went to meet shiying at plaza to get food for the picnic, didn't get enough packet drinks for them, really sorry!
Went to Marina barrage for the picnic.
Xinyu, Kiantao,Shiying, Velle, Meisian, Krystal, Winnie, Maoqi, Xueni and Wenting turned up for the picnic, although not many went with us, we still had fun.
Looking at kite flying makes me feel great, i didn't know why but i just feels great, freedom.
Stayed there till around 9pm and walked to the MRT station which we used 35mins to walk there.
Reached home around 12AM as we missed 1 bus and waited damn long for the other.
Although everyone was tired, i think they had fun over there.

School Re-open tomorrow, are you guys ready for it?
Hope I don't get too tired in school.

I hope that i'm important to you. :)

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Brand new one.

Done editing my stupid blog, change for the sake of changing. Crazy shit, i know!

First of all, on Thursday, i gotten myself a new hair cut which i never had before. Felt so comfortable after a haircut, like always.
Today basketball session, 3 full courts. Fatigue, felt so great as i didn't had any full court matches for such a long time, hope they oragnise more often.
Luckily it didn't rain this time as it always rained when we were having our basketball session.
Field goals today really cannot make it - 1/8, shots was unstable, nevermind still improving anyway. Pissed, so change of playing style by assisting, screening, rebounding and man-marking. Didn't even wanted to try shooting anymore, it was too off. Effort didn't go on waste, gladly.
Da Roy shared his tour experiences about how nice the foods and places over at Taiwan, can really see he did enjoyed alot and I'm glad that he came back safely.

Watched Soccer with Da Roy and co at Zhenghua CC. Portugal vs Brazil, it wasn't an entertaining game. The only positive to be taken from this match is that both teams can, and surely will, play far better in the next round. Over there watching can feel the soccer frenzy, everyone was cheering and booing. Exciting.
Homed after watching soccer match.


Whenever you feel lonely or scared. Just remember, I'll always be here for you.

Aras seo~

School is starting, have you people prepared? :)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


"At this moment, there are 6,470,818,671 people in the world. Some are running scared. Some are coming home. Some tell lies to make it through the day. Others are just now facing the truth. Some are evil men, at war with good. And some are good, struggling with evil. 6 billion people in the world. 6 billion souls. And sometimes, all you need is one."

True enough. Indeed.

You're not alone.
I promise.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Birthday party!

Went to Shawn's birthday BBQ today at Mayspring.
Jeremy,Shiying and I helped him by taking the items from his house to where the BBQ place.
Helped to start the fire.
Damn those charcoal, why are they turning me into some sort of burned (chao da) thingy which can walk around. I was threatening people with my GODLY BLACK HAND and make them say "Sorry Master" if not i would use my hand and touch their face. DAMN!
Took a few minutes before the charcoal starts to burn and being heated up.
Everyone was excited about the food and queuing up for it as though as they didnt ate for Centuries.
Most of them 'Chiong' the food like nobody business. Luckily, there were adequate foods for all of us over there.
Spent hours slacking around, hanging around, playing around and eating around.
Cut cake session, Shawn was forced to take photos which we manage to convince him to take it.
Home sweet home after that.
once again,Happy birthday Shawn WEE WEE.

Fallen too deep. Cant Help it,Im Sorry.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Shawn weeeee!

Happy birthday Shawn~ 17 Liao!! Good luck in 'O' Level and everything you do.



Dont worry, Im not gonna hurt you. Serious, I promise.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Caught Karate kid with Peiwoon and shiying.
Splendid movie, 101% worth watching.
Wondergirls was at Plaza Singapura, Crowd was so little, no cheering no people. One word to describe - FAIL!
Ate pastamania for lunch and went to watch the movie.
Went cineleisure for awhile as shiying wanted to get his things.
Plaza for bubble tea and home sweet home.

The movie was motivating, taught us how to become a better person.
"Life will knock us down. But we can choose whether or not to get back up again." - Movie "Karate Kid"
Come and think of it, its really true. I have been knocked down again and again, but I still get back up and become a better person.
Failure isnt everything but is the process whereby one learns from it and not to repeat the same mistakes again.
Even though my studies didnt turn up well in Secondary 3'08, I was determined to study well after that year and change my laid-back attitude. I have learned to become a better person, I took my studies seriously and didnt neglect them anymore.
I have chose to get back up again, have you? Think again.

Everything was worth it. :)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Its holiday and is the time for me whereby to get myself fully charged for the next few months to get prepared and sit for 'N' level.

Back from chalet organised by Da roy.
Lot of events had happened but lazy to update it.

Enjoy the holiday people!