Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

To all the people outside celebrating, Have fun and take care!
As for me, i will be staying at home alone tonight to watch soccer match!Have fun celebrating outside and enjoy yourself!

^.^v Peaceout-

Friday, October 30, 2009



Went School receive our School magazine and report book.End-of-Year ceremony was good.Lunch with Yu ting and Leong Lek.after that, home sweet home.

Congrats to students who had promoted,
must work extra hard next year.
Retain students, cheer up, dun lose hope. There's always success after failure.
Comment by teacher was good too!
^.^v Peaceout-

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thank You, Ms.Wendy He!

Went school today and do nothing as it was really boring.
Chee chong and i was wondering around the school and slacking around till 12.30pm as we were waiting for Ms.Wendy He to pass us her present for us.

It was a clothes hanger and a piece of letter, although it is a hanger, it is very meaningful item for me.
The Message on it was "Hang in There!"
Thanks Ms.Wendy He for teaching and guiding us throughout the year! Really very grateful for your efforts! Good luck on your career and Stay happy! Hopefully she will be teaching us next year. 

Although she may not see this post, but i still want to thank her here.
^.^v Peaceout-

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Jump for Joy!

Today went to school to get back our End-Of-Year examination results.
And here are my results:

History: 46/50 (Top in Level) WEEEEEEEEEEEEE! this is the subject that makes me Jump for Joy

Social Studies: 27/50

Mathematics: 45/90

Physic: 28/50

Biology: 27.5/50

English: 104/180

Chinese: 93.5/150

D & T: 57/100 ( Practical Included)

Mdm Mala told me that she 1st time see people getting such a high marks for history in her career and told me if i can score this well for this subject, i can also do well in other subjects and told me to work hard.

I shall work hard next year to fight the evil 'N' Level!

I passed all my subjects. Overall, I'm contented with my results already.

People who are sad with their results, don't worry, it will be okay.
Well, take care people!

^.^v Peaceout-

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Staying at home everyday. No events,Nothing to do, absolutely NOTHING!
Have been playing computer games since the end of the examination.
I really hope that school will re-open
soon as there's much more meaningful things to do at school.
Well, take care people and enjoy your holiday.

Shall self-entertain to maintain consciousness.
^.^v Peaceout- 

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Bro!

Happy Birthday Kenneth Huang! 16 Le!
Wish your 'N' level pass with flying colours! I wan see u next year in sec 5.
Take care and stay handsome!

^.^v Peaceout-

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


History paper today, easy for me as i have been studying it since 1 month ago.
I have fulfilled the promise i had made to Miss He 4 months ago.
It is to do well for history for this term.
I have confident to pass it well as i have done all the Source Based Questions and Structured Essays Question without any difficulty. My mind is finally at ease now. 

^.^v -Peace out.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Quietness and Trust

Today, had my English paper 1 and was quite easy compared to mid-year as the passages was easy to understand.When i was in the class during examination period,the class was in absolute silent.
I thought if the class was as quiet as examination during normal school days, it would be great as students would be benefited.With the trusts in the teachers,studens will do well in any examinations and pass with flying colours.

Had my soccer session at night with shawn and friends.

I hope this year teachers will be our next year teachers since we have establish close rapport already. 

^.^v Peace out-

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Today Went School as usual.
Social Studies lesson was drilling on SEQ and English lesson was drilling on close passages. 
Didn't went to recess as i was staying in class with kelvin and friends.
History lesson, chaotic and frustrating. Its just a handful of students who were hyper active. I was trying hard to forcus but somehow, i feel frustrated as the noise level will getting really high.

I can see that Miss He is trying really hard to teach and she was good enough to tolerate them. She was Mad and upset. Why cant people forcus in their studies instead of walking around making noise and making the teacher hard to conduct a good proper lesson.

Hope Miss He will be fine.

After School went plaza with kelvin and friends.
Met Jeremy at Plaza and the rest went home.
Have lunch with jeremy and headed back to school to have our revision.
Miss He came down and teach me Source Based Question. Thanks again!
Went home with jeremy after finishing our revision.
Shall continute my new history assignment tomorrow.

^.^v Peace out-

P/S: Above comment meant no offence as it is just personal feeling. Thank you.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Another Chance missed! 

Today, School was fine.
P.E lesson have soccer match with classmates. it was fun and enjoyable.
Chinese Lesson was watching movie as the paper was over.
The rest of the lessons were studies and revisions.
After School had my english oral.
Quite nervous but overall, it was okay.

After school,Ms Wendy He taught me history.
Thanks Ms Wendy He.

Last year didn't manage to go mega camp as i was late in hand in the form.
This year missed the chance as it was full. NOOOOOO!
Nvm, will stay home and rot then. hehe.

^.^V Peace Out-

Friday, October 2, 2009

A Great Day and The First Judgement Paper!

Today had my EOY chinese paper 1 & 2.
It was quite easy compared to last semester paper.
After School went to find shawn and friends to have our lunch.
Went back to school afterward to continute our studies.
I went to get physic revision paper from Mr Lim and he go through some of it with me.
Ms Wendy He came down to concourse and go through History worksheets with me.I really wanna thank her as she will always fork out her time to go through History revision with me.
Thanks to these 2 teachers, they inspired me to study hard.

After Studies, went home to get changed to have my soccer session with shawn and friends.
Now i'm getting ready to go night study, hope i dun get distracted and can concentrate on my studies.

Take care people!
Good Luck on EOY and up coming 'N' level papers.
Peace out- ^.^V