Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Happy Lunar New Year!

Lunar new year was a good and relaxing holiday for me as I am able to catch up with family and have a great rest.
Went back Malaysia for visiting this year as I haven't been there for quite a few years, most of my relative there were surprise when I appeared at the door steps.
Manage to catch up with some of the family and what's happening around them, same old things happened and they told me to study hard for this year. Yeah, Gonna do that.

2011 shall be a good year and I hope I can excel in my academic studies and went into the course that I desired. Hope to start my revision real soon and stop the procrastination.

Shall stop here.
Have a great day and till then...

P/s - Suddenly felt like blogging so I came back here, next time I'll just whine here.
P/s/s - Removed Tagbox as it was spammed by random passer-by.

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