Friday, April 30, 2010

First paper.

Today marks the start of Mid-year examination.
Chinese paper 1, i faced some problems but still manageable.
Paper 2 was easy. in some way, i understand most of the questions.
Basketball session during afternoon.
After basketball, went street soccer court to watch people play.
Superb skills by Samuel. A guy which i played with last time during the age of 11 ~ 12.
Home, Fatigue.

2nd and 3rd paper which is on tuesday.
Good luck people.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Good luck.

Tomorrow marks the start of Mid-year examination, Good luck to all the students taking it.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Fatigue day.

Bought this SNSD's album, not bad, this is the first time i bought an album.

Today went Japanese garden to attend "Run Day" organised by the school.
Its just a mini competition and a test for 2.4km.
Wait around 1 hour before the upper sec starts the run.
Depsite the hot weather and the temptation of slowing down, i was determined to run at constant pace and finish the run. Although there are many good runners, i tried my best to get a good timing.
Didnt get any awards but i felt a sense of acheivement as i was able to win lots of good runners.
Encouraged my friends to move on and not to give up when i pass by them. Thanks for the encourages that my friends gave me when the run was going on.
Timing should be around 10mins ~ 12mins, didnt know exactly the timing as it was recorded by an electronic gadget.
Gather to have a rest and wait for dismissal.
Upon dismissing, off to lunch at BP Plaza.
Home sweet home after lunch.

Decided not to attend night study at school today as i still left 1 question for the assignment and i can finish it up at home.
Fatigue! A good rest should sum up the day.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Exams are approaching

Mid year examination are approaching, i don't know whether im ready for it.
I can get stressed over little issue about question.
Revision started since 3 weeks ago, but is all maths and history.
Limiting myself to 2 - 3 Structed essay questions for history a week as homework,excessive doing will neglect other subjects.
Hope i can concentrate well and not to get stressed easily.

Good luck to those taking their exam.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Stop pressuring, Please!

Decided not to go night study as it was raining "Meow" and "Woof".
D&T seriously is killing me. Really dreaded to do.

'N' Level is coming soon, and i can feel the pressure and stress.
I got the feeling that i cant make it, I dunno why but maybe is because those pressure are sinking me.
Maybe i dont think too much, that would have helped.
Meanwhile, i will just study and do revision as usual to fulfill my targets for this year.
Hope my hard work pay off.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

T-ara - Eunjeong ( Eunjung )

Its Eunjung! Long hair (Before),Short Hair (Present).
Short hair look stylish while long hair looks gorgeous.
Well, both hair looks nice on her.

Okay, not done my D&T journal, rushing it tomorrow.
Night study with Shiying and Peiwoon, manage to finish 1 history SEQ and some math questions.
Basketball tomorrow, PLEASE dont rain!!
Maybe night study again tomorrow, shall see how.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Serious time.

Time to get serious about studies, less talking in class, more concentration in class.
Shall do all the assignment that teacher assign us.

Night study with friends, Miss Wendy he stayed back with us to coach us on history.
Even though she is tired, she still took her resting time to come and coach us. Appreciate it alot!
A1 for history is my target, i will never disappoint Miss he.

Shall start doing all the Chinese essays.
Sec 5, Sec 5, Sec 5!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Collection of Slack3r jersey.

Points form, too tired to post.
-Met up with slack3rs and went to collect the jersey.
-Bought a Shoe bag and FBT basketball short.
-After collection of jersey, went ikea to have hotdog as dinner.
-Home after ikea.
-Soccer with Jeremy, Da roy, Shawn, Siang and Peng.
-Played with some unknown pros.
-Home sweet home on 10.10pm.
-Fatigue but fun though.

Tomorrow oral examination, good luck to all takers.

Banarbas week, Speech day!

Thanks to the people who wrote the banarbas to me. Appreciate it alot, more collection to my drawer now.
Speech day was boring but managed to stay awake though.
Took photo with Ms Wendy He, Haziq and Yi peng. Thanks shiying for helping us take, hope ms he will sent us the photo soon.
Got my certificate and $20 popular voucher which i spent it straight away, bought some pens for my friends and for myself.

Collection of jersey on sunday.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Laptop spoil

Laptop brokedown, didnt know what happened actually.
I just plug in a USB and the screen just went black and i cant on it anymore.
Guess i have to survive without a laptop.
Now, im using my sis's computer to update my blog.
Shall update as soon as i am able to use the com.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

In the Memories of....

Before I left, i said:
"Pa, i will be back next year to visit you again, these items should be adequate enough for a year. Meanwhile, i will take good care of the family, Dont Worry."
The feeling was way too heavy for me, i was able to hold back my tears.
Luckily, no one noticed it.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Korean fever

Eunjung and T-ara

Been into korean song mainly influenced by Azmeran in the 9 days china trip.
Supposedly, i dont listen to korean song but because he is my roommate, he plays it every time he is in the room.
Even though i dont understand the lyrics, but i find it quite catchy.
Now my ipod almost filled up with korean songs.
Apparently, everyone seems to listen korean songs, hardly find anyone that didnt know whats K-pop.
I enjoy the songs as much as any other bloke, time for some korean fever!

Have a good weekend ahead people.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Injured, Crap!

Its T-ara Also known as Ti-ara again!
Been listening to their songs these few days.
Addicted already.

After school stayed back with Shi ying, Pei woon and Celeste awhile to see Ms He and get to know more about her condition.
She said she's gonna be fine. I Hope so.
Meanwhile, i hope she really take care of herself and take her medicine on time.

Went home and get changed and off to basketball in school.
Heaven is always not on our side, it rains everytime we wanna play basketball.
The rain finally stops around 5pm, had a "full court match" and everyone is fooling around as we are not properly geared.
Injured my leg, Damn it! Stepped on a rock and there's a deep cut on my leg now.
Shall not whine as i wasnt wearing any shoe to play, should blame myself instead.

Jun Cun accompany me home as he wanted to take a walk.
Appreciate it.

On the happy note, its weekend! I can have this time to let my leg recover.
Enjoy your weekend people and most importantly, take care!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Pray and Pray. God bless you.

No P.E today as majority of the students didnt want to have it.
Damn it, i was wanting to have it so much.
But, oh well.

Heard a bad news from Miss Wendy He that she has some kind of illness that her ribcage will pain when she moves or talks, is a genetic from her family. Worst condition if she didnt take care of herself properly - Death or paralyze.
She said if she didnt teach us means she probably had to stay at home to recover.
Hope that she will recover and stay healthy.
Didnt want to lose a Superb good teacher.
God, Please Bless Her. PLEASE! PLEASE!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


So into T-ara.

Fine day today.
Have lots of journal work for d&t not yet done.
Dreaded to do. Damn it.
Shall try to do on weekend.

Monday, April 5, 2010

A Smile changed the world.

I truly believe in that.
A smile changed the world. True enough,Indeed.

Missing in Action

Title says it all.
Will be back soon.