Saturday, May 30, 2009

Happy 16th Birthday Lim Si Min

Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to Si Min.
Happy birthday to you.

Good Luck for your "O" Level. =)

^.^v - Peace out

P/s: sorry,took so long to edit. Lols. =x

Thursday, May 28, 2009

2nd In Class!

Today went school alone from shawn's house as he was having a early holiday.
There were no lesson today and we were watching movie all the way.
After school went basketball awhile and my mum came school and go PTC with me.(Parent Teacher Conference).
Got my results and i got 2nd position in my class and 17th position for whole sec 3 NA lvls.
Went back basketball court after PTC.
After basketball kenneth and i went concourse to slack.
Ms He came concourse and asked me to help her carry report books.
After helping her,went back concourse to slack.
Slacked until around 6.50pm and home sweet home.

^.^v Peace out-

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Road To Success

Today went school to attend a programme called "Winning Attitude".
I get a chance to meet coach Julian,a very funny guy. He was a great speaker and i was paying attention throughout the speech.This Programme is about the road to success and it enlighten me and makes me want to work hard to achieve my goals.
After School,Went concourse to slack with yipeng,daniel and faris. Ms He came and talk to us awhile.After she left,yi peng and i went to basketball court to find ball to shoot.Sadly,ball were nowhere to be found at court. So, we headed back to concourse to wait Shawn and friends to finish their lesson.
After they finish their lesson,we went naked fish to buy our meals and consume it at Garden plaza.
Soon after we had our meals,we went back school to play basketball.
I went concourse alone to cooldown and revise my math awhile.
The rest went home together.
After revising,home sweet home. [ Thanks Kenneth for sms-ing with me along my way home ]

I must work towards my goals and will never give up.

^.^v Peace out-

Monday, May 25, 2009

Good Start Of The Week

Today went school and assemble in classroom as we have our temperature taking.
We had our AYG ( Asian Youth Game ) Rehearsal after the temperature taking.
After the Rehearsal, i went back to my math class and only 3 people turn up for that lesson.So, instead of watching movie,Mrs Lim took 3 of us to the library to use computer.
After recess,my class was watching movie all the way until the school ends.
After School,i went concourse to slack alone as Shawn and friends went to have their lunch.
Waited until basketball training start then i went to the court to sit as my spine was hurt.
Watch Coach and some players playing full court and i have learnt some of the tricks from coach.
After the full court, went home with shi ying again. while we were on our way home, i saw dog shit on the floor and i was like "WA,EEEEEEEEE". Before Shiying can open his mouth, he stepped on it!! LOL!
He was like " Walao! u never tell me got shit". At that moment of time, i was laughing like a mad cow!
He rubbed his shoe against the grass to remove the stain and smell from the shit.
After that, i sent him off to the LRT and home sweet home.

^.^ Peace out-

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Another Boring Day

Nothing much for today.
Just that whole day rotting at home playing games.
I hope tomorrow will be a fine day to start with.

^.^v Peace Out-

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Change Of Plan!

Today actually wanted to go GameFeast'09 but instead i went to watch movie with Leong Lek,Jing siang and Jeremy.
The movie we watched was Night at the Museum 2. It was hilarious and i would rate the movie 4.5/5.
After the movie,we went to have our dinner and home sweet home.

^.^v Peace Out-

Friday, May 22, 2009

Boring Day

Today School was bored, all along were watching movies.
After School went basketball with Leong Lek.
After basketball,Leong lek and i went concourse to slack and watch people take photo again.
Went lunch with him and home sweet home.

^.^v Peace out-

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Judgement Day!

Today went school to take back our results and here are my results.

History: 25/50
Social Studies: 29/50
Math: 58/100
English: 56.5/100
Chinese: 60.5/100
Physic: 20.5/50
Biology: 21.5/50
D & T: 13/70 ( haven include coursework)

I know it suck, but will try hard for better result.

After school went mac with cheechong,yipeng,sebast and jiawei.
Soon after we had our meal, we went back school to slack.
i went concourse to slack and watched people taking photo.
Ms He came down from staff room and i chatted with her awhile as she was waiting to take photo with the english department teachers.
After Ms He went to take photo, i went to change into basketball jersey for our C.C.A photo taking too.
Today did not have training instead we watched basketball match in D & T room.
After watching the video, i went to basketball awhile and home sweet home with shi ying.

Will seriously study hard!

^.^v Peace out-

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Today didn't went out.
Bored,Today whole day gaming.
Tomorrow taking back result le.
Best of luck all.

^.^v - Peace out-

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Today went basketball at Phoenix's basketball court there.
Played a full court match with Kaiming and friends
The match consist of 6 quater and i played the last quater of the match.
Each quater is 15mins. i only manage to score 2 points as they were playing man-on-man.
Tired. Total score : 109 - 97. we lost. =(

Went Plaza to buy bubbletea and slack awhile at playground.
After that home sweet home.
^.^v - Peace out.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Thanks Hero Soh Chee Chong for help to change my blogskin!
Thanks Mei Sian for helping to put tagboard!

Today have math paper 2 exam which is the last paper for the mid-year examination.
Paper 2 was so much easier than paper 1. =)

After the paper,went breakfast with chee chong and yi peng, after that slack awhile then went back to school.
Saw Ms He and she told me not to be hard on myself although i knew that she is disappointed. chee chong and i chatted with her awhile then we went to staff room and take chinese paper and do.
After finishing the paper and we went off home.

Hope next examination can do better than this and not to disappoint teachers.
^.^v -Peace out