Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Firstly, i wish Xiao roy a happy birthday, 16 le. =)

Today, Went school wif shawn as i stayed his house.
P.E lesson, Mr vela nvr come again, as usual. So,Mr Chin took us for P.E lesson.
Play basketball and went to rest.
Chinese Period was bored but i tried to focus.
History lesson were interesting and i was focusing through out the lesson.
Social studies lesson we were doing past year paper and yea, the paper look the same as the paper i took last year. hehehe.
After School went to libary with yi peng to slack as we were waiting for History A.C.T.
Went to History A.C.T at 2.30pm and do some assignment.It was fun as We(Sean,Chee chong,chu da, yi peng and me) found out that there is a childish side of Ms Wendy He. LOLs!
Went to celebrate xiao roy's birthday after A.C.T.
Went back school at about 5.30pm and study till 6.30pm. went to basketball awhile and home sweet home. =D

2 more weeks to exam, all jyjy. =D
Cheers! ^^v

Cheer up Jie long and all my frens around, u guys look completely upset. it spoil my mood to see u all like that. So, cheer up! =))

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Today school was boring and i was caught by principal 2 times for sleeping at chinese period.
Anyway, i woke up and do the chinese worksheet.
History preiod was paying attention all the time.(Hope can do well in this subject)
After School went 163 have lunch wif Chee Chong and Yi Peng.
After that,Chee Chong and i went back school take history worksheet from Ms He and went to do it while Yi peng went gym wif sean they all.
We went to study history.Chee Chong and i did the worksheet and put at Ms He locker.
It was about 6+ then shi ying and i walk home together.

Anyway, Mid-year examination coming le, jy all and work hard.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Today went school together with shawn as i stayed his house last night.
Lessons were bored but i tried to stay awake. slept for CME lesson as it is real bored and nothing to do.
After school went lunch at 163 wif Chee Chong,Yi peng and Xiangwoon.
After lunch went back to school and change to P.E attire.
On the way of finding xinyou, i helped mei sian and friends to keep books as they were not allowed to enter their own class. weird huh?
Went to find xinyou after helping and headed to basketball court to do warm up and training.
Today is the start of the real training, coach told us wad are we going to do in the next few trainings and told us to lock this in mind "We must in TOP 4".
after training, went home alone.

If heaven and hell decide, that they are both satisfied
Illuminate the NOs on their vacancy signs
If there's no one beside you, when ur soul embarks
Then I'll follow you into the dark.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Quiz from wenting. since i nth to do,i shall do the quiz tagged by wen ting.

A- Azmeran
B- Bryan
C- Chee chong
D- Daniel
E- Esther
F- Felicia
G- Gilbert
H- Hui ying
I- Iksan
J- Jeremy
K- Kenneth
L- Loren
M- Mei sian
N- Norman
O- Oneal (Basketball player)
P- Priya
Q- Queen (Royal Family)
R- Roy
S- Shawn
T- Teng Xiang
U- Urahara(Anime)
V- Velle
W- Wen Ting
X- Xue ni
Y- Yi Peng
Z- Zhi hao

2) Can R and S be together in BGR?
[Roy and Shawn]- Wtf. they are not gays. LOLs!
3) How is L related to you?
[Loren]- Friend.
4) Does B know U?
[Bryan and Urahara]- they dunno each other. both from different world. LOLs!
5)If F betrays you will you kill him/her?
[Felicia]- Maybe? or maybe not? =D
6)If K steals your girlfriend, what will you do?
[Kenneth]- i will steal back. Hahaha. =.=
7) What if G tells you he/she have a crush on you?
[Gilbert]- Siao, he not gay. for god sake. -_-
8) Will you and M get into a fight?
[Mei sian]- Hmm, not sure. HAHAHA. jeremy will help her anyway. =x (im so dead).HAHA
9) Who does S have a crush on?
[Shawn]- No one.
10) If W calls you a bitch what will you do?
[Wen ting]- Do nothing and call her back noobshyt. =D
11) What's the relationship between you and E?
[Esther]- Primary Schoolmate and Friend. =]
12) Who does D like?
[Daniel]- Not sure. =x
13) What V's favorite band?
[Velle]- Not sure too.
14) What does Y like?
[Yi peng]- Basketball.
15) Where does F live?
[Felicia]- Bukit panjang.
16) Did you and C had a fight before?
[Chee Chong]- Nope. We have been Friend for 4 years le.
17) Who is H's best friend?
[Hui ying]- Erm,Claudia ba. they from primary school friend until now.
18)What can you say about Z?
[Zhi Hao]- Funny and kind
19)What if J tells you he/she has a crush on you?
[Jeremy]- i slap him. LOLs. just kidding. he got person he like le.
20) Tag 10 people to do this quiz Anyone who is bored.
-Hui ying
-Yi peng
-Shi ying
-Mei sian
-Chee Chong

Thats all for today.
Cheers. ^^v

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Its been a long time since im posting and im gonna revive this blog. LoLs!
Weekend was quite ok as i went over to shawn's house and stay.
Today went to basketball at teck whye CC. it feels great as i haven have a proper basketball match for like 1 week.
After playing basketball, we went to have lunch and went home. i went to shawn house to rest and bath as my laptop was over at his house. stay till 9.30 as we watched 007 at chl 5 and i went home.nothing much today. =)

Wad on earth is north korea trying to do wif those nuclear missles. is freaking polluting the world. i hope they will stop inventing those nuclear as it MAY lead to WWIII. (yayaya, i think too much. hahaha!)

Well, Mid-year examination is coming and i hope everyone will did well in their exams.
cheers! ^^v