Man Utd! Its been so long since i posted as i was really lazy about blogging. anyway, im now officially a Man U fan! Shall buy the jersey after i get money.
Cheers! Take care everyone Peaceout-
Friday, December 4, 2009
Time For Enjoyment! Today went plaza to buy PlayStation 3 Slim with shawn, jeremy and kenneth. Kenneth and I bought 1 as we were craving for it for a long time. Bought the Playstation 3 Slim along with 2 other games, Fifa 10 and Infamous! Will be playing Fifa 10 with shawn online as it is a really fun game. Time for some enjoyment!
Cheers! ^.^v Peaceout-
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Have a Good Rest! Finally finish work for IT Fair. Shall have a good rest as this job is superb tiring. Everyday had to withstand 10 ~ 12 hours of standing. Starting thought of giving up,but i endured it. Met some really nice people there, nice colleague and friendly customers too. Good experiences and i really love it sometimes.
Now i shall have my good rest and enjoy my games! Cheers! ^.^v -Peaceout